
  • 5 things I wish I’d known about teaching teens writing
    Angela Piedrola Ortiz
    According to Mark Twain “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words”. However, this is not a common thought among teenagers, who generally believe that writing is something complex. This way of...
  • Reading strategies: Using audio recordings while reading
    Nóra Wünsch-Nagy
    Six benefits of using audio recordings with reading Here are six reasons why your students should listen to the story as they read. Listening to a story while reading it adds enjoyment and reinforces meaning. They...
  • Back to school: 10 ideas to promote reading
    Nóra Wünsch-Nagy
    If you write a list of objectives for this school term, I'm sure 'reading' is on your list. Getting your students to read more in English is one of the greatest successes you can achieve. We are all aware of the benefits...
  • 5 ways to supercharge your primary classroom
    Alexandra Purcell
    How can we ensure our primary learners are motivated, engaged, and excited about learning English? In this blog post we will explore 5 tried and tested tips to bring our teaching materials to life! We will look at pr...
  • 5 things I wish I’d known about teaching teens writing
    Angela Piedrola Ortiz
    According to Mark Twain “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words”. However, this is not a common thought among teenagers, who generally believe that writing is something complex. This way o...
  • Pragmatics in Play - Drama activities can help keep the classroom relevant in the digital age
    Alice Savage
                I love my language app! This is coming from an English language teacher who fears for her job in an era when technology can provide personalized instruct...
  • Οι πιο σημαντικές δεξιότητες για το μέλλον του παιδιού
    By the British Council
    Βοηθώντας τα παιδιά να αναπτύξουν δεξιότητες ζωής από μικρή ηλικία, συμβάλλουμε σημαντικά στη διαμόρφωση της «σχολικής ετοιμότητας» αλλά θέτουμε τα θεμέλια για τη μελλοντική τους ανεξαρτησία και επιτυχία. Επιτρέποντας σ...
  • Reading strategies: Ask questions from your text
    Nora Nagy
    What are the most practical reading strategies you can share with your students? We asked ourselves this question and came up with 8 different approaches which we will share with you throughout the year. Reading in a for...
  • Lindsay Clandfield - Using microbreaks in online teaching
    Lindsay Clandfield
    During the pandemic, millions of students have been thrown into online versions of their classes and the results have varied. What has become clear is that following an online lesson on a screen from home can be more tax...