When I assign paragraph or composition writing activities to my learners, they have difficulty in generating ideas and arguments in order to discuss a subject, even if they have been the ones to have chosen the topic. How can I help them?

ANSWER:  Using  brainstorming activities is one of the best ways to help our learners generate ideas in writing. We use such activities often, as it is indeed difficult for most of us to think of ways to discuss a subject even in our mother tongue. 

Brainstorming activities work like field practice in class. Learners need to do such activities as often and as many as possible over a period of time in order to get used to generating ideas on any given topic. 

The brainstorming activity below supports learners in additional ways, as it also suggests ideas to them through the vocabulary items in the word cloud. At the same time, it helps them overcome the challenge they are faced with when starting to write a text.  This is an A2 – B1 Level activity. 

1. Before you start, you must be sure that your learners arefamiliar with the vocabulary items you have chosen in theword cloud.  

2. Give the word cloud and written instructions (as below). Then, read the instructions to your learners, give examples, elicit one-two examples and answer questions, if any. At the          end, set a time limit, approximately 7-8 min.

3. NSTRUCTIONS: Look at the word cloud and choose 10 – 15 words  which will help you create an Outline in order to discuss the topic, “A Holiday In Space”. Then,
a. write the words you have chosen in vertical order,
b. prioritize them, and
c. make notes next to them, according to whether you agree or disagree.

4. After the learners have created their Outlines and havemade notes, ask them to share with their partners first. Then,conduct  Report Back in class and have the learners shareand exchange ideas with their classmates.  

The brainstorming activity is concluded at this point. Learners will need a number of brainstorming activities, not necessarily identical ones, but similar, so they can get enough practice in order to be able to generate and discuss ideas on any topic. 

Best wishes for the beginning of summer, Suzanne and Lilika 
