Αναζήτηση: Lilika Couri-Suzanne Antonaros

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Q: My teachers and I are doing the best we can with distance learning.Our entire team is new at conducting online lessons with our learners.Until we master the use of a lot of the wonderful technology at our disposal,we would like some tips on how to make distance learning more inviting and engaging for our learners.

QUESTION:  My exam prep students are reluctant to participate in class discussions.  Also, writing B2 – C2 level compositions is extremely challenging for most of them.  I know that they are familiar with appropriate vocabulary items on specific exam topics, but when they are asked to express themselves they find it difficult to recall the right words and expressions.

Answer: That's fine. Most of us decide that we'd like to use an activity, other than the ones in our Christmas repertoire, just about the last week before the holidays.  And we've got just the one.


TITLE: A Christmas Wreath


SKILLS: Writing, but mainly learning to be grateful

TIME: 10-15 minutes

ANSWER:  It might be that the children are in need of some 'down time'.  They do often come to afternoon classes very tired or quite wound up.    In either case, it may be that they need to relax, both physically and mentally.

You can lead the children in a self-massage to help them to relax, and to restart.  (EFL pupils in China taught a colleague of ours a quiet time 'massage', which they perform periodically in class.)  The instructions for this massage procedure are numbered below: 

ANSWER: The First Day of Class is the most important day of the school year. We would like to suggest an activity which would help B1+ learners to tell you a bit about themselves and to express their expectations of you, of themselves, their fellow learners, as well as their dreams for the future.

We strongly recommend that you use it as a poetry writing activity, as it is much more motivating.

TITLE:  “I come from. . .”


Question: What kind of planning has priority at this time of the school year?

ANSWER: Storytelling is an art and a technique which has come down to us from ancient times. and his “stories”, the Iliad and the  Odyssey are two of the most important epics of world literature.

Storytelling is a technique used not only in the classroom but also in the world of cinema as well as in the business and marketing world, as we see in Wendy Parish’s blog, 4 B2B brands that have mastered the art of storytelling”

ANSWER:  "Listen for a bit and jot down notes" is an easy and light supplementary activity,  which could well become a ritual in your f2f or online lesson.  This activity, appropriate for upper-intermediate and above, requires intensive listening and note-taking.

This is the time of the year which would be most appropriate for a number of self-esteem and peer-esteem activities, as your learners have got to know each other quite well and should feel comfortable with each other, especially if they are to discuss some personal traits, strengths, talents, etc.

The following activity, "In Your Hands", is very successful and motivating. We have borrowed the title from Jane Revell and Susan Morgan's beautiful book, In Your Hands: NLP in ELT, Saffire Press, 1997. 

ANSWER:   A reasonable amount of regular homework, which mainly consists of  written reinforcement of what has been practised orally in class,  is essential to language learning.  It is good practice to remind learners of all ages that, in order to get the most out of their entire language learning experience, they need to spend twice as much of their time working on English outside of class as they do in class.  For example,  if   language learners are committed to meeting with a teacher three times per week, i.e.
