Effie Kyrikakis
«Βλέπω τους μαθητές μου να χάνουν το χαμόγελό τους και δεν ξέρω τι να κάνω. Πώς να τους στηρίξω όταν κι εγώ νιώθω όλο και πιο απομονωμένη, αγχωμένη, εξουθενωμένη καθώς ο καιρός περνά?»
Αυτά ήταν τα λό...
Jennifer Lowe
Extensive reading for primary in ELT
Part of the Cambridge Papers in ELT series
The most efficient methods for teaching young learners to read remain hotly debated1. However, there is very compel...
Nora Nagy
Bullying is always a central issue in discussions about school, safety and emotional health. Healthier schools and environments can be distinguished from the ones where bullying becomes a re...
Jennifer Lowe
There is a general feeling that English pronunciation is not worth teaching. This is because there are many exceptions and students are generally told that they will eventually pick up the correct...