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Now in their nineteenth year, The British Council ELTons Awards for innovation in English language teaching and learning celebrate the newest and most original courses, books, publications, apps, platforms, projects, and more, which find new ways to meet the real-life needs of English language learners and teachers around the world.
There are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world -- and they all have different sounds, vocabularies and structures. But do they shape the way we think? Cognitive scientist Lera Boroditsky shares examples of language -- from an Aboriginal community in Australia that uses cardinal directions instead of left and right to the multiple words for blue in Russian -- that suggest the answer is a resounding yes. "The beauty of linguistic diversity is that it reveals to us just how ingenious and how flexible the human mind is," Boroditsky says.
Answer: An appropriate activity would be a "poem"[1] for Christmas, which could become the learner's Christmas card to his/her parents. Of course, it could also turn into a kind of a "tableau vivant" for the learners' class show. The activity we describe below can be used with learners from ASenior+.
A Christmas Poem
Level: Elementary - Advanced
Age: 10+
Answer: Dice Discussions is an activity for intermediate to advanced learners to help them develop fluency and confidence in using topic-related vocabulary items in a light, game-like situation. This group work activity requires some writing before the Report Back stage.
ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗ: Πολλή καλή ιδέα, και λίγο πριν αρχίσουν τα σχολεία, είναι μια καλή περίοδος για μια σχετική ενδοσκόπιση που θα μας ενδυναμώσει και θα μας βοηθήσει στο ξεκινημα της νέας σχολικής χρονιάς. Η άσκηση που προτείνουμε είναι καταρχήν άσκηση Συναισθηματικής Νοημοσύνης.
ΤΙΤΛΟΣ: "Εγώ και οι άλλοι"
YΛΙΚΑ: Οι ερωτήσεις που ακολουθούν:
1. Γράψε 3 πράγματα που κάνει ο Διευθυντής/τρια σου που είναι όμοια με αυτά που κάνεις και εσύ.
2. Γράψε 3 πράγματα που θα ήθελες να κάνει.